If the valves of the cylinder open or close too prematurely, then it will result in an engine misfire. This will definitely happen if the pulley bearing goes bad. If the timing belt doesn’t have a firm grip on the pulleys, then it will cause the pulleys themselves to make grinding or rattling noises. Related: Causes of a Vehicle That Cranks But Won’t Start #4 – Grinding Sounds You may hear the motor after you turn the key in the ignition but you won’t be able to turn the engine over. Because of this, you won’t be able to ignite the fuel and air mixture in the chamber. The camshaft and crankshaft cannot synchronize when you have a loose timing belt caused by a bad tensioner. The sound should not be confused with rod knock. If it does not exactly sound like knocking, then it might be more of a slapping sound instead. Reason 1: The Timing Belt Is Worn Out If the timing belt is worn out, torn, or missing teeth, you may notice a ticking noise coming from the timing belt area. When the timing belt gets loose, it will start to knock around and hit the timing cover and the other parts inside of it. This happens over the years due to friction, leading to cracks in the belt. You would hear a knocking sound if the timing belt goes loose due to a bad tensioner since the connected parts would start hitting the belt cover. You’ll also hear the chirping noise if the pulley grooves are damaged. A bad timing belt tensioner noise is a noticeable symptom that starts like a whining sound within the car’s engine. Since the check engine light alone can mean a million things, you can use scan for any trouble codes via a car scanner to confirm the issue. Why is my tensioner making noise If any tensioner pulley begins to wear out with time, it’ll create more of a chirping noise. This means problems in the engine, which will then result in the check engine light illuminating on the dashboard. piston slap / timing belt tensioner / knocking noise warranty jdchmiel: Normally Aspirated with bolt-on Forced Induction Powertrain: 5: 01-20-2004 01:10 AM: engine knock- hydraulic tensoner or piston slap mechboy: Service & Maintenance: 6: 07-31-2003 01:58 PM: Timing Belt / Piston & value crash: adamfilip: Factory 2. If the timing belt is loose because of a bad tensioner, then the timing of the valves will be off. If you notice a combination of any of these, then it is likely time to replace your tensioner. Here are five of the most common signs that your timing belt tensioner has failed and needs replacing. How Long Does a Timing Belt Tensioner Last?.Top 5 Bad Timing Belt Tensioner Symptoms.After picking one up from another dealer, I was able to finish the job. In this picture you can see the worn area on the part on the left, and the new part on the right. On this car, the tensioner piston and the arm had gotten very worn, leading to the pulley arm needing replacing as well. It used to go away after warm up but now it doesn’t go away at all. The tensioner is a small oil-filled piston that pushes against an arm attached to a pulley that the belt rides on. 2002 eclipse convertible 3.0 v6 I’ve been getting this loud and annoying buzz saw like rattling noise on cold start. I sold a timing belt job and began digging into it, but then found another problem.

In this case, it was leaking a lot of oil. This car was overdue for its timing belt by almost 30,000 miles, so it’s not surprising that the tensioner had begun to fail. Your crank pulley could be slapping the cover if it was seperating as well. Over time, the belt tensioner could start to fail, and if the belt is allowed to go too slack, it can jump timing and damage the engine.Ī failing timing belt tensioner is usually diagnosed by a knocking noise from the tensioner with the engine running. Louisville, Kentucky This is really, really, really a good example of not being descriptive I would say you could hear belt slap or ticking due to the movement back there but a knock (like rod knock as an example) I would say un-likely. We also replace the water pump, and often replace the tensioner. At my Honda dealership, we recommend replacing them at 100,000 miles. If it goes away it could be timing belt tensioner slipped and a slck belt. Timing belts need to be replaced at regular intervals to prevent them from wearing out and failing. Have you managed to identify whereabouts on the engine the noise comes from.